Saturday 12 May 2018

How to Lose Weight Fast by Skipping

If your goal is to achieve a weight loss of 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week, you have to create a calorie deficit of 3500 calories per week. Make a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day to burn 3500 calories per week. At the same time keep a track of your diet. If you want to lose weight, eat less calories than you burn.

1 pound=3500 calories

1 pound weight loss per week=500 calorie deficit per day

This can be easily achieved by skipping (jumping rope).

BENEFITS OF JUMPING ROPE: Benefits of jumping rope are numerous: Burns major calories at a fast rate, helps shed extra fat from stomach area, improves cardiovascular health, tone your muscles, improves bone density, improves body coordination, and improves breathing efficiency and stamina.

According to What’s Cooking America, if you jump at a rate of 70 times per minute, you can estimate the number of calories you burn per minute by multiplying your body weight by .074.

Let us have a look with different weight slabs:

If your weight is 160 pounds (72 kg), you have to jump rope at a rate of 70 times per minute, number of calories you burn per minute is 160*0.074=11.84 calories per minute. For burning 500 calories a day, you should do skipping for 43 minutes (11.84*43=509 calories).

If your weight is 170 pounds (77 kg), you have to jump rope at a rate of 70 times per minute, number of calories you burn per minute is 170*0.074=12.58 calories per minute. For burning 500 calories a day you should do skipping for 40 minutes (12.58*40=503 calories).

If your weight is 180 pounds (81 kg), you have to jump rope at a rate of 70 times per minute, number of calories you burn per minute is 180*0.074=13.32 calories per minute. For burning 500 calories a day you should do skipping for 38 minutes (13.32*38=506 calories).

If your weight is 190 pounds (86 kg), you have to jump rope at a rate of 70 times per minute, number of calories you burn per minute is 190*0.074=14.06 calories per minute. For burning 500 calories a day you should do skipping for 36 minutes (14.06*36=506 calories).

If your weight is 200 pounds (90 kg), you have to jump at a rate of 70 times per minute, number of calories you burn per minute is 200*0.074=14.8 calories per minute. For burning 500 calories a day you should do skipping for 34 minutes (14.8*34=503 calories).

You can calculate as per your weight how many minutes you need to jump rope to burn 500 calories using this formula.

If you are a beginner start gradually by adding 5 minutes each day to reach your goal of minutes to burn 500 calories per day in order to lose 1 pound per week.

Be Healthy and Happy

Benefits of getting up early in the morning

If you get up early in the morning, you will get more productive time.  If your current habit is of waking up at 7 a.m. and if you change your habit of waking up at 5 a.m., you will get more 2 hours of productive time a day, in an entire year it is 720 hours, which is equivalent of one entire month of more productive time in year, that extra one month you can utilize say for an example learning new language, learning new tasks, which you are interested in.

You will be more creative in the morning.  At night time if you try to do some work, you may feel lethargic and other thoughts of the day will run in your mind, where as in the morning you feel like you got a fresh sleep and you will be more creative and fully active in the morning.

Top 7 benefits of getting up early:
1. You get time to exercise.
2. You can plan your day.
3. You will get enough time to do breakfast.
4. You will have sufficient time to get ready and look attractive.
5. Stress free life.
6. You can spend your quality time with your family.
7. You can accomplish more goals.

Be Healthy and Happy

Top 10 ways to maintain healthy and strong hair

Here are the top 10 ways to make your hair healthy and stronger:

1. Have a healthy diet: Maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients and vitamins and drink plenty of water to maintain healthy hair. Iron deficiency causes hair loss, consume fruits and vegetables, which contain iron to prevent hair loss.  Eat a high protein diet, which includes milk, egg whites, soybeans, cheese, pulses, and curd.

2. Use a wide tooth comb: Use a wide tooth comb to comb your hair, it prevents hair breakage, easier to detangle, reduces hair fall, and gentle on scalp.

3.  Avoid heat: Applying excessive heat to your hair like using hair dryer weakness the hair follicles and lead to hair loss.

4.  Control your stress: Stress causes hair loss, control your stress and be stress free to prevent hair loss.

5.  Protect from sunlight:  Excessive UV rays can cause damage to your hair, protect your hair from sunlight.

6.  Chlorine water: While swimming, wear head cap as the swimming pool contains chlorine, which is harmful for your hair and take shower after swimming to protect your hair.

7.  Massage:  Massage your scalp gently, which increases your blood circulation and is good for your hair growth.

8.  Exercise regularly: When you exercise regularly, you will have better blood circulation to your body as well as scalp, which prevent hair fall and keep your hair healthy and attractive.

9. Protect from pollution:  Always cover your head to protect your hair from dust and air pollution.

10.  Rest: Maintain a healthy sleep schedule, which will reduce your stress and boost up your energy levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle to have a strong and healthy hair.  
Be Healthy and Happy

Weight loss secrets

Here are the Top 6 secrets to lose weight:

1. Change the size of the plate: If you are eating in a big plate, make a habit of eating the meal in small plate.  Using a large plate can make the meal appear smaller and you will consume more calories by eating more food where as the smaller plate makes the meal appear larger that means you end up thinking that you are not eating enough with the larger plates and eating too much with a smaller plate, eating with smaller plate will give your brain satisfaction of eating enough food, so make a habit of eating the meal in smaller plates to lose weight.

2. Drink enough water to reduce weight: You burn more calories by drinking enough water.    Drink water half-one hour before meals, it will make you feel full and will reduce the amount of calories you consume during the meal. Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water ( about 2 liters) per day to maintain an ideal weight.

3. Do not skip breakfast: You will not lose your weight if you skip breakfast.  You will miss your essential nutrients and you will end up with eating more calories throughout the day because you feel hungry, so have a healthy breakfast with low calories and full of nutrients.

4.  Be more active:  Start your day with exercise.  Along with diet, it is essential to do workout to reduce more calories and to be in a perfect shape.

5. Avoid sugary substances: Drinks and food, which contain sugar will negatively affect your weight and your health.  If weight loss is your goal, then limit the intake of sugar to little.

6. Rest: You need to take enough rest and make a proper sleep schedule to avoid weight gain, proper rest will make you energized and ready to start up the day with full of energy.

Also find:

 How to Lose Weight Fast by Walking

 Best Way to Lose Weight Fast

How To Lose Weight Fast by Skipping

Be Healthy and Active

Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are rich source of:
·         Vitamin E
·         Calcium
·         Magnesium
·         Phosphorous
·         Potassium
·         Zinc
·         Manganese
·         Protein
·         Fiber
·         Riboflavin
·         Iron
·         Biotin
·         Copper
·         Folic acid
Here are the Top 7 health benefits of almonds:

1. Lower your cholesterol: Eating almonds as part of your regular diet will facilitate in lowering your LDL (bad) cholesterol and can help in raise your HDL (good) cholesterol. Almonds are rich in calcium, vitamin E, magnesium and potassium. Almonds have a significant source of protein and fiber, while being naturally low in sugar.

2. Prevent Cancer: Almonds are an excellent source of high fiber, as it contains high fiber it lower the risk of colon cancer, also it controls the progression of breast cancer cells as almonds are an excellent reserve of vitamin E, Phytochemicals, and flavonoids.

3. Diabetes protection: Almonds have low glycemic index. Almonds are high in magnesium. Almonds help control blood sugar levels and prevent complications from diabetes.

4. Aids in weight loss: Due to its nutrient density, almonds aids in weight loss. The protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat content of almonds make you fell full and nourished, so you will have very less cravings and be less likely to overeat.

5. Improves brain power: Almonds contain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which have very good effects on brain and it's intellectual capacity. Almonds are a good source of zinc, that can protect brain cells from free radical damage.

6. Prevent birth defects: Almonds contain folic acid in high amount, which helps in tissue formation and healthy cell growth, which are very important for the healthy growth of the fetus.

7. Strengthen bones and teeth: Micronutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, which are present in almonds avert osteoporosis and strengthen your bones and teeth.

Also find:

Cashew Nutrition and Health Benefits of Cashews

Be Healthy and Happy

Healthy way of drinking water

Always drink water in sitting position. Do not drink water when you are in standing position as it badly affects the organs in your body.

Here we are going to discuss about the reasons why you should not drink water in standing position:

1. Stomach wall damage:  When you drink water in standing position, it flows in great volume down the food canal with great force and splashes on the stomach wall.  This splash causes long term damage to the stomach wall and the nearby organs by the force produced by the water intake while standing.

2. Causes arthritis:  By drinking water standing, the balance of the fluids in the body will be disrupted, this leads to build up of fluids in the joints, thus triggering arthritis.

3.  Kidney damage: Drinking water in standing position disrupt the filtration process of kidneys.  The water pass through kidneys with push causes the impurities to gather in bladder, which can lead to urinary tract disorders and damage to the kidneys.

You should drink water slowly and avoid gulping down large volumes of water in a single breath.

Also find:

Top 10 Ways to Maintain Healthy and Strong Hair 

 Benefits of Getting Up Early in the Morning

How to Reduce Stress: Stress Management Techniques

Be Healthy and Happy

How to keep your heart healthy

Here are the top 6 ways to keep your heart healthy:

1. Maintain Ideal weight: Being overweight or obese can raise your blood cholesterol levels, increases your blood pressure, these are the risk factors for coronary heart disease. Maintain ideal body weight to avoid the risk factors.

2. Get Moving: Keep moving, as sedentary lifestyle is associated with increased amounts of calcium deposits in heart arteries, which in turn associated with higher risk of heart disease.

3. Exercise daily: Regular exercise can help you burn calories, lower your blood pressure, reduces LDL (bad ) cholesterol, and boosts your HDL (good) cholesterol, which in turn keep your heart healthy.

4. Maintain Diet: Eat more fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans.  Avoid artificial trans fats completely. Limit saturated fats.  Cut back on salt.

5. Avoid Smoking: Avoid smoking as chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your blood cells.  The damage of blood vessels increases your risk of atherosclerosis.

6. Relieve Stress: Having too much stress for too long is bad for your heart.  Try to relieve stress using stress relieving techniques to have a healthy heart. 

Also find:

 Cashew Nutrition and Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Almonds 

Be Healthy and Happy