Saturday 12 May 2018

Top 10 ways to maintain healthy and strong hair

Here are the top 10 ways to make your hair healthy and stronger:

1. Have a healthy diet: Maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients and vitamins and drink plenty of water to maintain healthy hair. Iron deficiency causes hair loss, consume fruits and vegetables, which contain iron to prevent hair loss.  Eat a high protein diet, which includes milk, egg whites, soybeans, cheese, pulses, and curd.

2. Use a wide tooth comb: Use a wide tooth comb to comb your hair, it prevents hair breakage, easier to detangle, reduces hair fall, and gentle on scalp.

3.  Avoid heat: Applying excessive heat to your hair like using hair dryer weakness the hair follicles and lead to hair loss.

4.  Control your stress: Stress causes hair loss, control your stress and be stress free to prevent hair loss.

5.  Protect from sunlight:  Excessive UV rays can cause damage to your hair, protect your hair from sunlight.

6.  Chlorine water: While swimming, wear head cap as the swimming pool contains chlorine, which is harmful for your hair and take shower after swimming to protect your hair.

7.  Massage:  Massage your scalp gently, which increases your blood circulation and is good for your hair growth.

8.  Exercise regularly: When you exercise regularly, you will have better blood circulation to your body as well as scalp, which prevent hair fall and keep your hair healthy and attractive.

9. Protect from pollution:  Always cover your head to protect your hair from dust and air pollution.

10.  Rest: Maintain a healthy sleep schedule, which will reduce your stress and boost up your energy levels and maintain a healthy lifestyle to have a strong and healthy hair.  
Be Healthy and Happy

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